Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Yellow diamonds in the light, now we’re standing side by side, as your shadow crosses mine - 3 ways to meet a French man

Paris is the most romantic city in the world, but at the same time it can be your living hell while looking for your prince charming – not being able to walk down the streets without seeing love, can really make you feel miserable – So the best thing to do is to meet date, flirt and love the French way! Frenchies are known to be the holy grail of lovers, endless romantics and disgustingly good looking. But where do you meet a Frenchie? Is there a magical door that opens up to another world? Seriously.

Every person meets in a different way, there plenty of scenarios and stories of people meeting each other. But being foreign in a different country and being confronted with a total different dating culture makes it a bit harder. While I would establish flirting with a random Frenchie avec heavily eye contact, there usually too proud to make the first move. Too many times I have been bitching about this to my French friends asking them why they won’t approach me. ‘They would tell me; In his mind making a move doesn’t exist cause people in France don’t meet like this. Wait, what? Yes. You have to realize that in fact the word dating doesn’t exist here.’’ My mind was literally on fire, that would mean that there all single right? But no, I have noticed that most of the ‘’good’’ guys are taken in France. Daily scenario; While walking around the street of Paris you will instantly notice perfect matched couples. The guy would be a bit taller, looking fresh, with a cigarette in his mouth. The girl would be a typical cute French girl, petit and wearing some black dress with boots. Anyway. This daily confrontation is like salt in my eyes, it burns. Did I forget to mention that 50 % of the guys population in Paris consist of tourists!
So where can a single girl find and meet herself a decent guy in a city packed with lovebirds? With some help of my French friends and some actually proven scenarios how I met them, I have made an list of the 3 best ways to meet a French guy;
Being invité to join the secret circle
Yes this sound a bit old fashioned, but I assure you that this is the best way to meet him. First of all the best way to meet French people are thought a ‘’circle of friends’’. Changes are smaller that you will find a real Frenchie bar crawling with some Erasmus students. So if you’re lucky to know a French person then this process will become really easy. Just ask him/her to drag you along to their soirées , where you will be introduced to bunch of Frechies. So to get to know French people you have to know French people. This is also the way all of those couples meet here, it’s all about connections, inner circles and soirées. Actually if you think about it meeting someone through your friends makes the dating scene so much easier!
Tu peux m'aider s'il te plaît?
While we already know that a Frenchie will never approach a stranger, doesn’t mean that we ladies can’t take the lead! That’s even better cause guys in France like woman who are confident and in desperate need for help.. at school, work or on the streets ask for help! So how to master this approach– first of all actually make contact with your target – and then? That depends on your comfort level. But if you feel comfortable enough ask anything that ends with an questions mark. For example you could ask for directions or when you’re at school for some study help. If the conversation turns into a nice dialogue then the guy will take the lead from there because sometimes you will hit the jackpot!
Ps; Avoid doing this at night or places like clubs. Obviously.
Becoming the new modern Tinderella
If you’re not comfortable talking to stranger on the streets or not interested in joining the circle. Then tinder would be the best next option. Almost every woman can pick up a guy very easy on Tinder. They’re plenty of choices and you can have several dates in one day. But the questions is how to pick up the right one, the one that is interested in more than just sex. I’m not an tinder experts but what I do know is that it’s an easy way to date in Paris! Either way it’s an easy way to practice your French!

What do you think? Leave a comment behind and let us know how you experienced meeting Frenchies.



  1. a crap, zou dit gelezen moeten hebben voordat ik naar frankrijk was gegaan, boehoe. (Fijn artikel tho haha)

    1. Hi May,
      Thanks! haha ja voor de volgende keer dan :))

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
